Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is the beginning!

So... it is now 10 days into 2009!! Fabulous! How was every ones new years? Good I hope, I also hope your Christmas wasn't bad either. Well with the new year usually brings along some resolutions... I myself have never, and I repeat NEVER set a resolution before... because I was always afraid that I wouldn't stick to it and would let myself down. Know what I realized right around midnight on New Years Eve? I have been letting myself down for the past 23 years of my life because I HAVEN'T been making a resolution! So... I made one. I am going to lose 50lbs (or at least be healthier and more fit) by December 31, 2009.

I realize that almost everyone makes a resolution to lose weight, so my whole first resolution to lose weight might seem silly to some. But if you know me, you know that I have gained all of that weight within about a year... and completely and utterly lost myself with it. So, by setting a resolution to lose weight, I am really setting a resolution to find myself again. So that is what this blog is going to be all about, losing weight and finding myself.

So I decided that the whole myspace blog wasn't cutting it and I needed someone newer, something fresher with the new year. So here I am! I look forward to filling you all in on my crazy life, and the ups and downs of losing weight and finding myself. I don't think it will be too hard... but we will see.

So this is my plan... I started exactly a week ago, watching what I eat. Not counting calories, and not starving. I just eat lean cuisines and salads, and NO junk! I stay away from pretty much everything I used to eat. Then I work out on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 30 minute strength training and a 30 minute walk with my husband, Chris, and our chihuahua, Bailey. In a week I have lost 6 lbs, and gained 1lbs back. So I technically lost 5 lbs in a week. I hear that is pretty good! I can also see a difference in my butt and my saddle bags. Also, I am starting to feel really good about myself again, I am starting to feel like the old me. I am more vibrant, more flirtatious with Chris, and just more fun. The journey will be long, but I think I'm off to a good start.

Some Background on me! I met Chris in 7Th grade, his brother Joe was my best friend. Joe and I spent everyday together for a few years until he moved away to Texas. I never really talked to Chris. Joe moved back to Arizona (where we grew up) and got in contact with me. I invited Joe to a party, to protect me ha ha, and he said he was going to bring Chris too. I was pretty excited to see Joe and Chris, I hadn't talked to Chris in almost 6 years, or seen him for that matter. The Chris I new was a nerd, a true nerd by looks. Thick glasses, bowel cut hair, and scrawny. lol. But the Chris that showed up at my door was the exact opposite! Needless to say we have been together ever sense.

A month after we started my family and I moved to Texas. We were heart broken and didn't know what to do. We stuck it out though and a month after we moved Chris came to visit! Then a month after his visit he moved to Texas and lived with my family and I in our home! (Obviously my parents are pretty cool!) After living with my family for about 6 months we moved back to Arizona, it was were both of us grew up and just felt more like home to us then Texas ever did. That was a HUGE sacrifice for me to make, leaving my family. I am very close to my family and it was hard. (Here is where gaining the weight came in.) When we moved to Arizona Chris' mom helped Joe, Chris, and I get an apartment and we lived with Joe for a few months, then we moved into a condo with Lara, Chris' sister. We lived in the condo for a year... and in that year Lara's bf moved in and so did Joe's gf. So there were 6 people living in a 2 bedroom w/ a loft condo. It was very stressful to say the least. Chris and I FINALLY moved out on our own and got our own apartment! yay! We also got two cats and a puppy! The kitties didn't work out turns out I'm allergic, but Bailey is our little princess!

We were having some financial difficulties in Arizona, and I was missing my family like no other, so after two years of living away from them Chris and I decided it was time to make a life change, and we moved to Florida to be with them! It was good in theory, but the economy is in a shit whole , and I still don't have a job after 6 months and Chris is only working part time. So we live in a two bedroom, two bath, with a lanai.... with my mom , dad, little brother (14), my parents two dogs (chihuahua/dachshund, 90 lbs lab) and their two cats. That's a whole lot of action!

Oh I forgot, in that time after a year of being together I proposed to Chris, 6 months later we were married in Las Vegas on Thanksgiving weekend! November 24, 2006. Best day of my life!

So that brings me to where I am now, living in Florida with everyone I love near me, and jobless with lots of time on my hands. I am really lost in Florida. Don't get me wrong Florida feels like home, I have been summering here since I was 8, but I still don't have any friends here, and I live with my parents! I feel not so great about it. Soooo 2009 brings change and that's what I am working towards. Change!

Ok I am done for today. That was the longest Blog I think I have ever written. But I just wanted to fill y'all in on some background. To explain where I come from. More background will come in other posts I'm sure. Thanks for reading, thanks for listening, thanks for caring.

<3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_7">Kel

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