Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hot diggity!

It's been a while... Updates are... I haven't weighed myself in a few days... and I don't really think I'm going to for awhile. What I do know is that my body is changing... yay! everything I am doing is paying off!! My thighs and my ass reshaping! My ass if firming up and looking pretty good... my saddlebags are like gone... and my inner thighs are slimming! yay! ha ha. My husband looks at me and likes what he sees these days! My trouble area, tummy, isn't changing... but it is getting a bit firmer.. I just added crunches to my workout. It is hard for me to do crunches/sit ups because of my back problems. So this is my routine 3 days a week:
2 sets of 15 wall push-ups
2 sets of 15 one leg squats
2 sets of 15 calf rise thingies
2 sets of 15 tricep thingies
and 2 sets of 15 of crunches
PLUS a walk with Chris and Bailey that is about a half hour long.. I'm not sure what the distance is.. but its pretty far.. ha ha. Longer then I would ever care to walk normally. ha ha.

School started on Monday. Yay! Ha ha... Ethics and then Learning Theory. Ethics looks interesting... but I haven't looked at the book for Learning Theory yet. I take classes online... they are 10 week classes, and so that means they CRAM everything in. I have about 14 papers to write in these 10 weeks. These aren't small little papers either... they are like get out int he world and talk to people and then write a paper about it. A HUGE paper. lol. School stresses me out... Lets see how school and I do in my new year... I'm already off to a not so good start... discussion board questions are due tomorrow and I haven't started reading...and that's like 4 chapters to read tomorrow. :( ha ha I suck.

I think that's all for tonight. Just wanted to write a quick update... no life leads to boring blogs with no substance. ha ha. Till next time...

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